The Brother


a tale of two brothers

Two brothers, Micah and Jason, find each other at one of the most trying times in their lives - on the death of their father, the man who should be there to help them discover the kind of men they want to be. Between them is Beverley, as she battles with the emotional struggle of taking in a child who represents her husband’s ultimate betrayal - at a time when she cannot confront her betrayer.

Genre: Drama

Format: Short film (Live-Action)

Accolades: Quarter-Finalist in the 2018 ScreenCraft/Buffalo8 international Short Film Production Fund competition.

The Story

The Brother is a story of family and love, and the idea that even when families are created under trying and unwelcome circumstances, they can still experience tight bonds.  Love  - our ability to form bonds, often based on little more than familiarity - is the greatest mark of our humanity.  Going beyond the conventional idea of a nuclear family, the story explores what it means to be one blood. 

The screenplay is based on a scenario that is reasonably commonplace in Jamaica but remains largely unexplored in our narrative history. It also looks into the concept of the outside child and the effect it can have on the nuclear family when that child, often kept as a hushed secret, has to come home and live with the family.

Have A Bawl Productions